When a wireless duress button is activated, a 900 Mhz signal is sent to the LynxNet WLS receiver. The wireless transmitters can be installed in fixed locations with the predetermined alarm location messages, or can determine the location of the wireless button using a repeater network. The receiver supports up to 500 wireless transmitters. The web interface of the LynxNet WLS displays the signal strength of every transmitter and repeater. Any of the wireless transmitters can be placed in a test mode, for employee training and monthly testing.
The LynxNet WLS connects to a network connection and power. The wireless duress buttons are pre-programmed to theLynxNet WLS either for fixed or mobile use applications. For Fixed applications a repeater is only needed approximately every 10,000 square feet, based on building structure. For Mobile locating applications a repeater is needed approximately every 1,500 to 2,000 square feet, based on building structure. The Locating system requires a Lynx Certified Technician onsite to configure the system after the LynxNet WLS and repeater network are installed.